Three panel view no longer active in WebIssues client 1.0.5

Submitted by DonaldMacdonald on 2014-09-18

When I was using WebIssues client the other day the three panel view switched to single pane view of its own accord. I am not able to dock the popup windows back into the three panel view and I have not been able to find a setting to change this back. I have looked in the manual but not been able to find any guidance on this.

I have tried re-installing the webissues client with no success.

Thanks for any suggestions.

There is no such thing as 'single pane view' in version 1.0. Perhaps one of your panes got resized to the full size of the window, but you should be able to manually resize it.


Thanks for your reply.

What I mean is that when I click on any of the Folders in the left hand menu the right panel is never refreshed. It always displays "No issue selected". The only way that I can open a Folder is to double click the Folder name which then opens a new window.