Thanks & MyLyn Connection Problem

Submitted by treudoof on 2012-03-30

Hi Michal,

first of all ... thanks! In the past, we tried and used a lot of Tracking Software. From Mantis, over Trac, Redmine, to RT. All of the systems are great, but it doesnt help if you cant identify with them. So, we tried WebIssues, and. Wow! Very good. Browserversion, native App Version. Great! The native App Version isnt the nicest optical App, but good do use ;) So far ... Thanks :)

We use Zend Studio to develop our Applications and we installed the Mylyn with the WebIssues Connector. We are sure that wie configured all the params correct. Server URL, Username, Password. But we got an error. "unexpected error". I think the configiruation is right, because of ... if i change the url to another invalid url, i get an i/o error, which was right this way. Can you help us? Or is it a bug?

Best regards,

You would have to directly contact the maintainer of the Mylyn connector. I'm not sure if it was updated to work with the latest version of WebIssues.
