WebIssues Client 0.9.1 released

Submitted by mimec on 2007-08-08

It took longer than I expected, but the next release of the desktop client application is complete. It contains many functional improvements: a start page was added which contains a list of recent connections;
attachments can be opened directly using the default application; the order of attributes in the details view can be changed. Also it was tested with Qt version 4.3 under both Windows and Linux and many problems were fixed, so this version is now officially supported.

Recently there was a large number of feature requests on the forums. Many thanks again for all your suggestions. Some of them were already implemented, others are planned in the upcoming releases. The amount of time I can spend on WebIssues is currently quite limited, so I cannot make any deeper changes in the architecture of the system. For now I will focus on implementing additional features in the client application, such as notifications, reporting, printing and exporting data. There is still a lot to improve in this area, so stay tuned om the next releases.