Email like interface

Submitted by hlamer on 2008-10-01


Currently I using WI for tracking bugs and features of small project.
WI cool because it's configurable, easy to install, have desktop client.

For me, client will be more comfortable, if his interface will be similar with interface of email clients. It's mean - do not open new windows for displaying list of issues, but split window, which displaying after logining to server on three parts.
Tree with Projects and Folders (Left part of window);
List with contense of currently selected folder. (Top right part of window)
Currently selected issue. (Bottom right part of window)
Also, for me, need possibility to open issue in a new window. (Like now)

Now, when I opening webissues (Window 1), than Bugs folder (Window 2), than bug. (Window 3), than starting to write commen (Window 4). When I writing comment for bug, I need to check descripription of feature. I opening Features folder (Window 5), and feature, relative for bug (Window 6). It's chaos on desktop.

First step is to actually add emails to the users so we can email issues around,

then the email interface would be the contacts.

Coming.. at some point in time


Yeah, I agree that opening lots of windows creates chaos. I'm planning to improve this in version 0.9.4. I'm still looking for the best solution - by using multiple tabs (and/or splitters, as you suggested) and also allowing to open views in separate windows. I'm thinking about making this configurable, i.e. switching the layout between multiple windows, single window with tabs and a layout with splitters like e-mail clients. Well, for now I only know that the current solution is not the best one, but I'm not sure yet how to improve it.
