Translated from Spanish

Submitted by lcabrera on 2007-12-07

How can I help to translate webissues to the Spanish language?

I'll send you the *.ts file by email. You can translate it using Qt Linguist. Thanks for volunteering!


Hi! Michal

The Spanish translation is complete. It will require a revision
later, but it is a functional translation.

I attached (to your personal email) the *.ts file with the spanish translation.

If I can collaborate on something... (python, php, sql ...)


Thank you very much!

Of course you're welcome to collaborate. There's a lot to do :). Quite possibly some work with a web client will be started soon. On the other hand there is a number of server add-ons that could be implemented - mailing module, integrated authentication, some kind of reporting tools, etc. You can come up with your own ideas as well.


hi, i would like you will send me the language spanish for the version 1.0.1. Really it i need so much.

thank you very much.
