Hey, Features and bugs

Submitted by idanh on 2011-02-27

I've installed web-issues and would love to work with it.

1. I cannot delete users. We got a company with many providers and sub-constructors that needs access to this tracking and in long term thinking we will have about 1k of users where only 2 are active.
2. I cannot access user information history to check what did he do? when was the last login? etc'
3. I cannot delete bugs or projects with folders (and cannot empty the folders). I cannot delete issues (not close them, delete them). I cannot remove pretty much anything from the system.
4. I'd love to see all comments and everything is a summery view or at least in 1 page. When things are going from 3 tabs it is hard to track everything. Also, if a file attached to a comment, and not the whole project, this is important for us to see (like comments with: see attached file)
5. As Admin, I'd love to see real time tracking on who's in the system right now, summary page of latests bugs.
6. As a user, i'd like to see a summary page of "my bugs" - "my open issues" etc'
7. On adding a bug, Why can't I assign it on start.

Sorry for massing features and bugs here, But I love the concept of this system but those features are mandatory for this to work as a bug tracking system.
This is only my honest review and again, Sorry to mass all those stuff.

Thank you and great work!

Most of these issues will be addressed in version 1.0. Deleting users is impossible because you would lose history - you can disable obsolete users instead. Deleting everything else will be possible in version 1.0. Displaying summary and history side by side is already possible in version 0.9.7 and this will be improved even more. You can use filters to display "my bugs" or "my open issues". In version 1.0 it will be possible to edit all attribute values when adding a bug.


Hey Michał,

Thank you for your response.
Maybe you could filter "disabled" users and "active" users on the users list?

This could help monitoring who's active and who's not.

Overall you answered all my questions and i'm looking forward for version 1.
Btw, "my bugs" and "my open bugs" filters - could those be on the "main window" so when you open up the project, you could instantly see those?

and users with no permission to a project, can see open bugs for that project?

Thank you again,

I will add filtering users to version 1.0.

Filters can be displayed in the "Dashboard" tab. In version 1.0 they will be displayed directly in the projects/folders tree.

Users with no permission to a project cannot access any issues within that project, not even read-only.
