Issue Deleting

Submitted by stephenkall on 2012-04-19

Good evening.

I've been having some trouble regarding manual issue deleting in the system. I'm aware that issues can't be deleted by a system function, so I sneaked myself through mysql and deleted the issues from the database. When I go through webclient, everything is smoothly perfect. The problem is that the software client keeps downloading all the information from the old non-existing issues from somewhere. I already deleted the %appdata%\webissues client folder twice, tried messing around even more with mysql, but turns out that I have no idea regarding where the client is downloading this data from. Any hint?

For more information, my setup is:
Server: Windows 2008 Server 64 with apache + mysql + php5.
Clients: Windows XP / 7 32/64 with windows clients set up from installer.


Deleting issues works without any problems since version 1.0.
