check the possibility

Submitted by suminda on

I need to check the possibility of implementing follows,

1. when an user assigned a ticket to a person and he is trying to edit attribute before reply, default value of user attribute needs to be appered as sender name.
2. freeze some attribute fields to assignee and allow only selected fileds to edit.
3. possibility on restricting some values in combo box to selected users,
suppose, creater can change the status of ticket as "open, re-open", but assignee can changed only to "close" status,
4. possibility of restricting "add issue" option for some users,
5. in managing alerts, user can use one of three alerts, (immediate notification, reports in time base, and summary report). suppose the situation, if a user wants all three types of alerts, ( in simple, radio buttons needs to be check box).

1. You can set the default value of an attribute to "[Me]". It will be converted to the name of the person who creates the issue.
2, 3 and 4. This may be possible in some future version of WebIssues.
5. Good point. I may improve this in a future version, for now the workaround is to set up separate views and separate alerts.


Hi Michał,

I faced difficulty in manage views in 1.04 v. I wanted to modify the view in public view settings in particular project,

my steps are as follows,
1. select required project, then manage views, then public view settings, then modify default view, changed as required, click ok!
2. after that I was directed to issue types window in admin mode, actually it should be project window where i started,

kindly let me know the feedback,


This works correctly. Public views are associated with issue types, not with projects, so by switching to public view settings, you actually switched to the administration area.
