desktop client font size

Submitted by inf3rno on 2013-11-12

I just updated webissues from 1.0.4 to 1.1, and now the desktop client is awful (windows 7),. The font size is too small for me (my eyes are not the best). The old client was much better. Is there a way to configure the font size of the desktop client? If not, then this is a feature request...

Which font do you mean? The one in the issue details, or the general UI font in menus, buttons, etc.?


I meant the font of the issue content. It is about 6pt, the menu and everything else is about 8pt by me, so they are at the border of "fine" too... (I use currently 125% DPI settings by win7.)

Unless there is some strange bug that I'm not aware of, the size of UI font (for example, menu), should be the same as for all other applications and should be increased when you change the DPI setting.

The issue details, on the other hand, are hardcoded to 8pt. They font should be identical to the Web Client (at least in Chrome). Also it doesn't increase when you change the DPI setting, which seems consistent with the Web Client.

On the other hand, in a web browser you can zoom in/out to change the font size, so I agree that similar feature should also be present in the Desktop Client. I will implement it in the next patch release.


Hi my entire team is desperately looking for a font size adjustment. It's about 6 point font and very hard to read. So getting a patch in here soon would be very useful. It's hard to use now because the text is so small.


The problem persists with version 1.1.1

I'm having the same issue, general UI font size (including comments) is very small, at least compared with version 1.0.5. (Windows 7 64bit, Desktop Client 64bit)

Comments are harder to see, perhaps you could increase 1 or 2 point the font size.
