No Attributes When Adding Issue

Submitted by ajaxxy on 2015-08-10

Hi there,

Loving this software, thanks for making it!

I just have 1 issue and a request.

When I select Add Issue i'm not getting any fields for attributes which means i can't mark anything as in progress or complete.

Currently I'm only getting :

Name: *
Text format: *

Any idea what can be causing this? It also does it in the windows app. No attributes to be found anywhere.

My request was also to allow for adding fields in the new issue windows so i can store things like email address, phone number, address etc.

It would be great if there was also some difference in colour for the different areas when viewing an issue as it currently seems a little cluttered and hard to figure out where things are.

Thanks again. :D

The attributes that are available depend on the type of the issue. You have to define those attributes yourself or use one of the predefined types like Bug or Task.



Thanks for your reply, i didn't notice the attributes button at the time but i've got it now.

Is it possible that default attributes can be set for all types? I use all the same attributes for all types so it would be great if i could just add them once rather than again and again.

Thanks again for all your hard work. :D

No, each type has a separate set of attributes. Perhaps you could consider merging some issue types if they are very similar.
