Email format issues

Submitted by jstrickland on 2015-09-15

Since the upgrade to 1.1.4, our emails are not formatted correctly and the links within them no longer work as a result.

Here is an example of the content:

Features / Requests / Bugs &ra=uo; All Issues
IDName Location Location Type=0A Summary Target Version Status Reque=ting County Owner/Developer Modified Date
#16490 generate lette=s enhancement
* Pending — Pending =0AGenerate Letters Feature - New Suggest adding the date filter to the intial letter selec... TBD Ready for QA =0AErik Zurinskas 09/10/2015 09:02 generate letters enhancement
ID: #16490
Type: Features / Requests / Bugs
Loc=tion: * Pending — Pending
Creat=d: 08/10/2015 08:26 — Jessica Strickland<=r>
Last Modified: 09/10/2015 09:02 — Erik Zurinskas=/td>
Target Versio=: TBD
Type: Feature - New<=td>
Location: Generate Letters
Status: Ready for QA
St=tus Additional:
Summary: =uggest adding the date filter to the intial letter selection dialog. Curre=tly, user has to wait for first query to run before they can change the da=es.
Owner/Developer: Erik Zurinskas
test db: rw_bucks
Related: =/td>
new config?:
<=d>Config Notes:
Phaseware #:=td>
Phaseware Owner: =tr>
Requesting County:
RelNote= Summary:
Incl Rel Notes?:

Issue History
09/10/2015 09:02 — Erik Zurinskas=/h4>
I added the date range selection =ropdown and date fields to the letter selection panel. It will maintain th= loading of the last saved used date range per letter type.
This i= an alert email from the WebIssues Server.

Thanks for the report, I will investigate this.


Any chance you've been able to check into this? Our emails are a very useful tool but they are basically illegible and the links don't work.


You might try to edit system/mail/ and change line 226 from:

$body = imap_qprint( $body );


$body = quoted_printable_decode( $body );

In case of invalid qouted-printable encoding, the latter function is more tolerant than the former. Perhaps this helps.


Hi, just wanted to check in on this issue and see if there is any update/resolution forthcoming. I tried your suggestion with no change. I only updated to the new release and made no other changes. Is there a bug that will be fixed in a future release?


No, sorry, I couldn't reproduce your problem and I have no idea what might cause it.
