Submitted by kingsonprisonic on 2017-04-16 Not able to upload 6MB exe file as attachment. On advance settings page i set. Maximum attachment size: 256MB Maximum database storage size: Never Hello, You want to attach an exe file and probably the extension exe is exclude for upload Nicolas Log in to post comments Check your php.ini setting for 'upload_max_filesize', it is probably set for 2M. Change this to 256M as follows: upload_max_filesize = 256M This should allow you to upload larger files. Log in to post comments Log in to post comments
Hello, You want to attach an exe file and probably the extension exe is exclude for upload Nicolas Log in to post comments
Check your php.ini setting for 'upload_max_filesize', it is probably set for 2M. Change this to 256M as follows: upload_max_filesize = 256M This should allow you to upload larger files. Log in to post comments
You want to attach an exe file and probably the extension exe is exclude for upload
Check your php.ini setting for 'upload_max_filesize', it is probably set for 2M. Change this to 256M as follows:
upload_max_filesize = 256M
This should allow you to upload larger files.