Installation of email notification comments

Submitted by Bruce A. Bednarski on


My name is Bruce Bednarski. I am evaluating different open source bug tracker systems for a company.

I've installed web issues on debian linux using aptitude. It installed version 0.8.3. Then I installed the client 0.9.7 on Windows XP. In order to get notifications to work I had to manually upgrade to 0.8.4 and install php-cli, command line interpreter. I did make some changes to the cron.php file queries to be notified when a new issue is created and when changes occur on an issue that I set notification on. To be notified when created after the last notification I change the query to:

$query = 'SELECT i.issue_id, i.issue_name, sc.stamp_time AS created_time, uc.user_name AS created_by,'
. ' f.folder_id, f.folder_name, p.project_id, p.project_name'
. ' FROM {issues} AS i'
. ' JOIN {folders} AS f ON f.folder_id = i.folder_id'
. ' JOIN {projects} AS p ON p.project_id = f.project_id'
. ' JOIN {notify_folders} AS nf ON nf.folder_id = i.folder_id AND nf.user_id = %1$d'
. ' JOIN {notify_users} AS nu ON nu.user_id = %1$d'
. ' JOIN {stamps} AS sc ON sc.stamp_id = i.issue_id'
. ' JOIN {users} AS uc ON uc.user_id = sc.user_id';
if ( $user_access < ACCESS_ADMIN )
$query .= ' JOIN {rights} AS r ON r.project_id = f.project_id AND r.user_id = %1$d';
$query .= ' WHERE sc.stamp_time >= nu.last_sent';

and to be notified when an issue that I set notification on changes since the last notification I changed as:

$query = 'SELECT i.issue_id, i.stamp_id, i.issue_name, sm.stamp_time AS modified_time, um.user_name AS modified_by,'
. ' f.folder_id, f.folder_name, p.project_id, p.project_name'
. ' FROM {issues} AS i'
. ' JOIN {folders} AS f ON f.folder_id = i.folder_id'
. ' JOIN {projects} AS p ON p.project_id = f.project_id'
. ' JOIN {notify_issues} AS ni ON ni.issue_id = i.issue_id AND ni.user_id = %1$d'
. ' JOIN {notify_users} AS nu ON nu.user_id = %1$d'
. ' JOIN {stamps} AS sm ON sm.stamp_id = i.stamp_id'
. ' JOIN {users} AS um ON um.user_id = sm.user_id';
if ( $user_access < ACCESS_ADMIN )
$query .= ' JOIN {rights} AS r ON r.project_id = f.project_id AND r.user_id = %1$d';
$query .= ' WHERE i.stamp_id > i.issue_id AND sm.stamp_time >= nu.last_sent';

This seams to work for my setup. I like the ability to define custom attributes and I have not run into any limitations on the drop downs like I found in an other system. Next, I'll look at the filtering and what can be displayed in the summary information list.

Keep up the good work. I like this product.
