marking as read - counter problem

Submitted by eriz on 2010-12-18

I've created a new category, folder and issue. Then, marked as unread (after opening) and then - marked all in folder as unread.

Now, it looks like below:

Is it correct? I think it's not.

I think it is correct - yellow envelope indicates that the issue is unread and the numbers in parentheses indicate that there is 1 new and 0 modified issues.


Okay, you know what is it, now me either but how does user know? It's clear to put a counter showing unread issues but why modified...? I don't get the point and IMO only confuses user.

An issue is very much like a thread in a forum - you want to know not only when a new thread is added, but also when a new post is added to an existing thread. That's why tracking modified issues is important.
