I needed LDAP support, so I modified the SessionManager in order to check the LDAP before the normal check and I added a new class to make LDAP autenthication.
SessionManager updates in bold:
public function login( $login, $password, $newPassword = null )
$user = null;
$isTemp = false;
$transaction = $this->connection->beginTransaction( System_Db_Transaction::RepeatableRead, 'users' );
try {
$query = 'SELECT user_id, user_name, user_passwd, user_access, passwd_temp, user_email, user_language FROM {users}'
. ' WHERE user_login = %s AND user_access > %d';
$user = $this->connection->queryRow( $query, $login, System_Const::NoAccess );
if ( $user != null ) {
$userId = $user[ 'user_id' ];
$hash = $user[ 'user_passwd' ];
$isTemp = $user[ 'passwd_temp' ];
$ldapHelper = new System_Api_TkLDAPHelper();
if ( $ldapHelper->checkPassword( $login, $password ) == false) {
$passwordHash = new System_Core_PasswordHash();
if ( $passwordHash->checkPassword( $password, $hash ) ) {
if ( $newPassword != null ) {
if ( $newPassword == $password )
throw new System_Api_Error( System_Api_Error::CannotReusePassword );
if ( System_Core_Application::getInstance()->getSite()->getConfig( 'demo_mode' ) ) {
if ( $user[ 'user_access' ] != System_Const::AdministratorAccess )
throw new System_Api_Error( System_Api_Error::AccessDenied );
$newHash = $passwordHash->hashPassword( $newPassword );
$query = 'UPDATE {users} SET user_passwd = %s, passwd_temp = 0 WHERE user_id = %d';
$this->connection->execute( $query, $newHash, $userId );
$isTemp = false;
} else if ( $passwordHash->isNewHashNeeeded( $hash ) ) {
$newHash = $passwordHash->hashPassword( $password );
$query = 'UPDATE {users} SET user_passwd = %s WHERE user_id = %d';
$this->connection->execute( $query, $newHash, $userId );
} else {
$user = null;
} else {
$isTemp = false;
} catch ( Exception $ex ) {
throw $ex;
if ( $user != null && $isTemp ) {
throw new System_Api_Error( System_Api_Error::MustChangePassword );
$this->loginCommon( $login, $user );
return $user;
New class System_Api_TkLDAPHelper. I just need to get domain, host and port from configuration parameters.
// File Location: /system/api/tkldaphelper.inc.php
if ( !defined( 'WI_VERSION' ) ) die( -1 );
class System_Api_TkLDAPHelper
private static $ldapDomain = "@tekne.local"; // set here your ldap domain
private static $ldapHost = "ldap://"; // set here your ldap host
private static $ldapPort = "389"; // ldap Port (default 389)
private static $ldapUser = ""; // ldap User (rdn or dn)
private static $ldapPassword = ""; // ldap associated Password
public function __construct( )
* Validate given password against the stored hash.
* @param $password The plain text password.
* @param $storedHash The stored hash.
* @return @c true if the password is valid, @c false otherwise.
public function checkPassword( $user, $password )
if ( $user == null )
return false;
if ( $password == null )
return false;
$ldapConnection = ldap_connect(self::$ldapHost, self::$ldapPort);
if ($ldapConnection) {
self::$ldapUser = addslashes(trim($user));
self::$ldapPassword = addslashes(trim($password));
ldap_set_option($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_set_option($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
$ldapbind = @ldap_bind($ldapConnection, self::$ldapUser . self::$ldapDomain, self::$ldapPassword);
// verify binding
if ($ldapbind) {
ldap_close($ldapConnection); // close ldap connection
return true;
return false;
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