API for websites front-end

Submitted by bertoost on 2009-11-18

I want to know if there is an API or something to let users post issues/bugs on a website, wich will be inserted into the WebIssues database. If something like this exists I want to know how I get it and what the features are!

If not, I will make something for this. My idea is to use the WebIssues system (wich looks very nice!!) to let users -of my system- post bugs or feature request via the website. Also I want to show a list of open issues, and a roadmap would be great!


Yes, such API exists and it's based on the WebIssues Protocol, the same one as the client uses to communicate with the server.

Since version 1.0 it will be possible to implement also other communication protocols - JSON, SOAP, you name it.


Hi there!

Nice.. can I download such api from the internet?
I saw the protocol file, I can write a nice API for it, but I'm a programmer and I do not want to reinvent the wheel if someone else already did!

Regards, Bert

The only API for the protocol is the one which is part of the desktop client, but it's C++ code using Qt so it probably won't be useful for your web application.
