Problems with saving attachments

Submitted by rspoerer on 2010-08-17

When I try to save files from WI onto my system (Mac), I keep getting the error "File could not be written." when I try to save any file from Web Issues. Pleas advise where I can look to correct this.

Thanks in advance!

It looks like the default location where WebIssues stores downloaded attachments in not accessible. It defaults to ~/.cache/webissues. You can try to run WebIssues with the -storage parameter and the path of the temporary directory that should be used instead.


Thank you for the reply, Michal!

Ok, I'll go ahead and try that, but how do I set that parameter on the Mac OSX client? Do I need to run the client from the Terminal from now on in order to do that? Is there is a way to change that parameter without having to run WI from the command line?

If there isn't, what do I need to type in Terminal to get it to run?

Thank you in advance!

The command line options are described here, for example:

webissues -storage /path/to/dir

You can wrap this is a script so you don't have to start WI from command line.

In the next version I will change the code so that correct paths are used on Mac OS by default.
