New Property Type - Check box

Submitted by pasnox on

Please add a new property type: Check box / check box list (maybe a simple list item with multiple selection)

Basically, this type could be a complement of 'dropdown list'.
imagine i have a dropdown list of values like this:


- Windows
- Mac OS X
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows Seven
- Mac OS X Panther
- Mac OS X Tiger
- Mac OS X Leopard
- Mac OS X Snow Leopard
- Mac OS X Lion

Actually it's not possible to select one or more of the OS until i create such special entry 'Windows XP, Mac OS X Panther'...

The goal will be to allow a multiple selection of element, that could be a checkbox to select them or a list view in edit mode and a single line in view mode ( element joined by a comma ).

What do u think about that ?


You must be reading my mind - I'm just implementing multi-select ENUM attributes :). They will be introduced in version 1.0-beta2.


Well it seem all i desired is under construction. Great to know ;)

PS: The spam detecter is very boring, each of my posts is considered as spam and i have to validate twice the form each time I want to post :/

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Yeah, the spam detector is surely not perfect, but believe me, manually deleting spam from the web site is even more boring.


I agree, i'm having the problem too on my websites :D

Monkey Studio IDE, a cross paltform IDE written in Qt.
Support for all relating Qt4 project type (php-qt, pyqt, qmake/c++) with powerfull plugin system.
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