I have moved from alpha4 to beta1 and reconfigured. I am releived that, from now on, there will be an upgrade path.
I appreciate the new relation between alert and notification.
But I would like this to go one step further: a notification should not be linked to an alert.
An alert is a visual tool of the GUI a notification is warning/recap sent by email.
I think it is common to want an immediate notification and, for example, a weekly summary notification for a view.
Thus, I would like to be able to set multiple notifications for a view and consequently each notification should have a separate schedule.
I would like the admin be able to set a default view for each Type other than All Issues
I don't understand why the Type attribute "Name" is mandatory for all views
The conditional filters for a date/time attribute now use a pop-up calendar.
My configuration is in French, unfortunately the variable [Today] of the pop-up is not translated.
I fiddled for some time before substituting the correct French string.
Thank you for a usefull product
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I agree that there is still a lot to improve in the area of views, alerts and notifications. I will do that in the next version when I gather feedback from more users.
I will also investigate the bug in the French version.
Just to be clear about the translation, I was referring to the WEB client
For that same client many strings don't appear translated in the interface but I checked the ts file and all strings are translated, which leads me to beleive either the line number reference is incorrect or there are missing strings in the ts file
Are you using a 64-bit version of PHP?
I guess so, this is what my provider reports:
Architecture x86_64
Apache version 2.2.16
PHP version 5.2.14
MySQL version 5.0.92-community
That would explain the problem. It turns out that the crc32 function in PHP (on which my translation system relies) returns different values on 64-bit Linux platforms. Thanks for reporting this, I will fix it in the next release.
Please add the following code before the foreach statement in line 154 of system/core/translator.inc.php and check if this solves this problem:
The code you sent me gave a 500 internal server error
I was able to verify that
PHP_INT_MAX = 9223372036854775807
PHP_INT_SIZE = 8 (which seems to be consistent with a 64 bit system)
So I made the following substitution just to see
if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8)
$crc = $crc - 2 * PHP_INT_MAX -2 ;
I got no errors but all strings were not translated
What is strange is that some strings are translated but not all
for example
the main admin window menu is : Administration Panel | Client Web | WebIssues 1.0-beta1 | Manual
The menu options for a folder are :
Ajouter un "Issue" | Renommer le Dossier | Move Folder | Supprimer le Dossier | Mark All As Read | Marquer Tout comme non lu
Add View | Manage Views | Gérer les Alertes
If it was a crc 64 bit issue would'nt all strings not be translated ?
It's related to this bug in PHP. The crc32 function returns wrong value in 50% of cases, that's why half the strings are translated correctly. See also this comment which shows a workaround. You can't use PHP_INT_MAX because it's a 64-bit value and you need to subtract the maximum 32-bit value, which is System_Const::INT_MAX. I have no idea why this code gives an internal error, could you enable debugging and post the details?
The good news is your solution works !!
I made a backup of the orignal file and inserted your code and got 500 error
I erased the file recopied the backup translator.inc.php and recopied the code
But I made the same error twice : I did not copy a « ; » ! ! !
Sorry for wasting your time
Bug fixed, thanks
No problem :). Thanks a lot for helping me test this.