Feature Request: setting up an incoming mail address

Submitted by Valkyrius on 2012-02-26

For use as a support suite it would be handy to make it possible to set up for example an Pop3 email account.
Which then will be checked and for new emails there will be created an issue and the mail we be replyed with the issue id. So that if they reply to the mail it will be recognised and it will be added as a comment.

making it possible to create issue's or comments based upon email.

I added this idea to the roadmap, but honestly I doubt that I will ever be able to implement such advanced features in a free program.



I think it's really simple to accomplish this using a PHP script and an email pipe to your phpscript on your mailserver.

Most ticket systems have this also.



A few years i ago we made a small Ticketsystem which does exactly this. ( http://www.ticketmas.de ) .. It's a 2-3 old project which will be offline in a few weeks. So if somebody need help, feel free to contact me. If WebIssues support such a feature, then the RT (RequestTracker) in our house can walk trash :) That would be very nice!

I really wish to include such feature in WebIssues sooner or later. Technically it's not difficult, but it would have to be highly customizable to make sense, so it would require some work. Same thing for other cool features like wysiwyg editor :).


Oh—I responded to another thread about such a feature. I'm only now just seeing this one. Hopefully, at some point in the future the idea can be realized as it would make WebIssues a viable choice for handling issues that are created externally. Thanks for at least considering the thought, Michal.

Hi together,

i thougt about it this weekend and i think there an a few things that shoud be mentioned, so that is a special topic that needs a good preparation. a few things:

on the one hand:

- incoming email, handle different charsets
- incoming email, handle plain/text, html mails,
- incoming email, handle attachments

on the other hand:

- initial email, create dataset
- another email, check if issuse id exists und answered with the correct email address, same as in the initial email,
- possible to add more than one email address which should be "monitored" by WI?
- assign the directory for each email address account

But i think it could be alle done... So ... tomorrow i'll extend the job.php to fetch the mails from an existing email account and add it into the WI. First with static data of an email address, directly defined in an array or whatever... in the future we've to prepare the database for such a feature.

@Michal: Can u contact me for this feature, that we agree in the main features?

Has this feature ever been added? Or is there an add-on available?