Why user sees others issues by default? Also can't hide solved issues.

Submitted by IgorKokarev on 2011-03-27

First, thank you for WebIssues! I'm trying to understand how to work with this software. Please could you explain several points:

1. Why member (Standard access) of a project sees all issues of the project by default? It could be more logical if an user can see only issues created by him or assigned to him.

2. OK, I can set a filter to hide others issues and see only this user's issues. But when I change a folder, or project, or restart the program, filter resets to default state "See all issues". So I have to set filter again, again and again.

3. Now when I solve or close some issue I want to hide it from a folder. But it's impossible, I have to see all solved and actual issues together. Of course, I could use filters to hide solved issues, but see point 2, the program forget my choosed filter.

4. Text font in a window where I type a comment to issue is small and strange, it's not default font as in other parts of the program. Please make possible assign name and size of font for this comment editor.

5. In a tab where I read comments to an issue, I can increase font size, but the program doesn't remember font size after restart.

6. Notifications. It could be great if an user could receive a notification from a program as a popup hint window on the desktop when a new issue assigned to him or a new comment comes. Also the program could catch missed notificatons when the program was not running. And show them on startup.

7. Updated issues could have bold font in a list of issues to see updated.

8. How to assign an issue to several users?

9. Please make more quick way to assign an issue to users. It could take less of steps/clicks.

Thanks again!

Hello, thanks for your valuable comments.

In version 1.0 it is possible to display selected filters directly in the projects tree, so you will be able to open "My Issues" or "Active Issues" etc. with one click.

Also version 1.0 uses the default UI font (non fixed width) in the comment editor and issue history and it will be possible to change it. Marking new/updated issues with bold font could also be configurable.

Popup notifications are on the todo list for one of the next versions.

Editing issues is improved in version 1.0 - you can edit all attributes at once and specify initial values when creating an issue, so assigning issues to users is faster. Selecting multiple users is also on the todo list.


Hello Michał,

Thanks for your quick reply! I'll try new version 1.0 alpha. There is only small concern about upgrades to future versions, when use alpha version.

I forgot to add one more suggestion. It would be nice to have ability of auto-assign to a creator by default for new issues. It will save several seconds.

Also I was not able delete user from the system, there is no such command.

I really like WebIssues, it's the best issue tracking system with simple and fast interface.

Let me express some thoughts on possible future improvements. After using of Google Wave I find very useful an idea add tags to an issue. So a project, folder, bug/feature, user, priority - all can be tags. And each user can organize own tree of projects based on filters, but not strictly defined by an administrator of a projects. Also it will possible to assign one issue to several projects.

Good luck!

It is already possible to auto-assign the issue to creator - you can use some special expressions like '[Me]' as the default value of the attribute.

Deleting users is not possible because that would that would make all changes made by that user invalid. It is possible to disable a user though.

Tagging is a cool idea, I'm adding it to the list of ideas for the future.


Hello Michał,

Thanks again! I'm exploring v1.0 alpha 4 now.

1. You said above that it's possible to put filter(s) directly to projects tree. How to do it? I can add only folder to a project, not filter. Please advice.

2. I noticed small glitch that the program still doesn't remember last selected filter and resets it to "All issues" after changing of folder/project/restart/creating of new issue.

3. I still can't configure filters to see only issues created by me and issues assigned to me (together).
Case 1: If I create an issue for me, I set "User" attribute to me [Me] and I can set filter to display my issues using filter "User" = "[Me]".
Case 2: If I create an issue for another user, I set "User" attribute for say "User2" and my filter doesn't show this issue, because it's not my issue!
Summary: Even if I add two attributes "Creator" and "User" I can not configure filter to display my tickets (created by me or assigned to me), because filters doesn't support operand OR - my issue OR assigned to me.

Thanks for the advice regarding alerts as filters!

But please consider the possibility for the future versions see within one folder/filter/alert issues assigned to creator by other users, own isues and own issues assigned to others together.