Live demo of the ajax / web interface

Submitted by pasnox on 2011-07-28

It will be great to be able to see / test the web interface directly from your website so we can have an idea of the product without installing it.

I want to install it since many months but i don't have time and most of all i don't know if it's good enought to lost time to install it :D
So live demo could help me ( and probably others ) using / adopting it.

Thanks for the good work!

I've been thinking about a live demo server and I totally agree that it would be a great thing. I would just have to roll out a script which would recreate the database every day, so it doesn't get too cluttered.

In the meantime you can take a look at the online manual for the development version. It has some screenshots, so you can see how awesome the new version is :).

And by the way, the web client is not really using AJAX, it's a pretty classic web application with just a few JS extensions.


I just browsed the online manual and saw some screenshot.
It seem good enought to lost some time installing it ;)

Btw why the ui was not created with some ajax / ui tools framework like qooxdoo ( ?
This should help reduce the page loading / traffic on the webserver.


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Hehe ok ;)

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