I am having problems setting up my email settings.

Submitted by hydro808 on 2013-08-15

My company uses Gmail as it's mail client. I tried setting it up with my company issue email account information and it is not working. Can I get some guidance on this?

I am setting this up using the custom SMTP server option, using myaddress@company.com

SMTP Server setting:


I get a SMTP Error: Could not authenticate error. Is there a setting on IIS that maybe stopping this?

Have you tried using TLS instead of SSL?


I was able to successfully get the email setup in WebIssues to work. Now, I need to verify the Task Scheduler settings. Is there steps for the Windows setup? I have this setup but may be messing up on the trigger. I am pointing to the job.php file location. Not clear if I need to also do the path to the php.exe file.


Thx. I adjusted the environ variables in my PATH and the line reads: php (\job.php). So that is working. So this is setup correctly. I was still having problems so I ran the job.php manually from the cron directory and say SMTP: Can not authenticate error.

** Note that the Email SMTP Settings from within WebIssues is working.

Here is the error when I run the against the cron directory:

D:\sites\track\cron>php job.php
Unhandled phpmailerException: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate. in D:\sites\tr
ack\system\mail\class.phpmailer.php on line 872
Stack trace:
#0 D:\sites\track\system\mail\class.phpmailer.php(763): PHPMailer->SmtpConnect()

#1 D:\sites\track\system\mail\class.phpmailer.php(630): PHPMailer->SmtpSend('Dat
e: Thu, 22 A...', '...')
#2 D:\sites\track\system\mail\class.phpmailer.php(575): PHPMailer->PostSend()
#3 D:\sites\track\system\mail\engine.inc.php(129): PHPMailer->Send()
#4 D:\sites\track\cron\job.php(162): System_Mail_Engine->send('emailchanged@###..
.', 'Administrator', 'Test Project - ...', '...')
#5 D:\sites\track\cron\job.php(72): Cron_Job->sendNotificationEmails()
#6 D:\sites\track\system\core\application.inc.php(210): Cron_Job->execute()
#7 D:\sites\track\system\bootstrap.inc.php(127): System_Core_Application->run()
#8 D:\sites\track\cron\job.php(614): System_Bootstrap::run('Cron_Job')
#9 {main}
An unexpected error occured while executing the command.