Using client on rasberry PI

Submitted by savo on 2016-10-12

What is the best way to install the client (like the one used in windows) on a clean Raspberry PI Install? It's my understanding I need to compile the program on the device?


I just got a Raspberry PI 4 B with 8 Gig of RAM.  I used the Ubuntu Mate 64 bit server install with desktopify.  This version of Ubuntu has the Synaptic Package Manager does have the WebIssues client as a package to install.

However it seems to have a bug in that when I attempt to add an issue that says, "there are no available folders of this type."  Both the client and server do that.  The server is running on the same Raspberry PI with PHP on Apache webserver and MySQL database server.

I have been using a version that runs on the OS/2 family (eComStation and ArcaOS) and that one (Client and server using Apache with PHP and MySQL on OS2) works great so I was a little disappointed that this Ubuntu version doesnt seem to work.


I figured out what the issue was with the no available folders was and this is working with the Server and Client version 1.1.5 on a Raspberry PI 4B on Ubuntu Mate 20.04.  The package is in the Synaptic Package Manager by searching "webissues".