Unexpected Error: Issue does not exist

Submitted by jana on

There are some issues, we can't open anymore.
The following error message is displayed when opening the issue: "An unexpected error occured while processing the request. Reason: Issue does not exist."

The event log message: "Unhandled System_Api_Error: 305 Unknown Issue in /var/www/vhosts/canudo.de/qsmanager.canudo.de/system/api/issuemanager.inc.php on line 129"

I did check the database for the issue_id and it does exist.

I would be really grateful for your help!

Which version of WebIssues is this? Are you logged in as a system administrator?


Hi Michał, thank you very much for your reply!
Yes, I am logged in as a system administrator.
We are using version 1.1.4 (2015-08-10).


OK, that's a pretty old version ;). So the issue is visible when you open the folder, but when you click to open the details you get an error, correct? Are you using the web client or the desktop client?


Yes, that's correct. We are using the web client.
And I'm aware that this is a pretty old version. I'm new to the company and now my job is to maintain the old software ;)

There must be some inconsistency in your database. Maybe a row is missing in the stamps table related to either the issue_id or the stamp_id in the issues table? Or a user is missing related to one of these stamps records?


Hi, thank you very much for your help! You were right, a related user is missing. But I have a follow-up question: Is it possible to delete an old user account without deleting it from the database? Best regards, Jana

You can only disable a user, which is effectively preventing the user from logging in without deleting them from the database.


Thank you :) Best regards, Jana