Deleted cookie, now 'Session changed' alert pops up

Submitted by dmueller on

Hello, since I wanted to remove that annoying 'Session changed' alert when I log in (first I use anonymous access, then I log in as the admin), I pressed F12 and deleted my 'non-session' cookie.

Since then, I always get that alert now, even if I want to log in as the admin.

2 Questions:
1. How do I get that cookie back (how do I generate a new one)?

2. How do I get rid of that annoying 'Session changed' alert?

Edit: I'm getting following error:
"Unhandled System_Api_Error: 371 Invalid Csrf Token in /kunden/94890_93059/htdocs/issuetracker/server/api/ on line 49 Stack trace: #0 /kunden/94890_93059/htdocs/issuetracker/system/core/ Server_Api_Application->execute() #1 /kunden/94890_93059/htdocs/issuetracker/system/ System_Core_Application->run() #2 /kunden/94890_93059/htdocs/issuetracker/server/api/global.php(214): System_Bootstrap::run('Server_Api_Appl...', 'Server_Api_Glob...') #3 {main}"

Edit 2: I now commented lines 49 and 50 in '':
// if ( $headerCsrfToken == null || $sessionCsrfToken == null || $headerCsrfToken != $sessionCsrfToken )

// throw new System_Api_Error( System_Api_Error::InvalidCsrfToken );

The error is obviously gone now, however, if I want to access it anonymously, it still logs in with the user I last logged in with.

I need help, as I'm really new to PHP... :(