Two problems with mail inbox (Map address extensions & Gmail account)

Submitted by dmueller on 2024-05-17

Hello, I have two problems regarding sending e-mail to the inbox I've created:

1. The e-mail address to project to folder doesn't seem to work, let's assume my inbox account was "", I should be able to map it to the project "Company-Project" and folder "Folder 1" by sending a mail to "", but it just doesn't work because the mail server can't seem to find the extended address.

2. I want to add an inbox address from Google Mail with IMAP, but even with correct credentials, it throws out an error that my credentials are invalid, here's what the default.log says:
Running script: /server/api/settings/inboxes/test.php Buffered output:
<< * OK Gimap ready for requests from [ipadress] o41mb48960461wms
>> TAG1 LOGIN "" [password]
<< TAG1 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)
<< * BYE Logout Requested o41mb48960461wms 
<< TAG2 OK Quoth the raven, nevermore... o41mb48960461wms


The description on how to set up an inbox is not quite detailed and I need some help, please!

Thanks for your quick reply, however, the Gmail-account is just intended for testing, we'll create a custom mail address for that.

As for replacing the '-' with a '+', sadly, that doesn't work as well; it still says that the address wasn't found.