WebIssues 1.0 released

Submitted by mimec on

Version 1.0 of WebIssues is officially released. All users of older versions are advised to update their server and the client applications. WebIssues now includes a built-in Web Client, which allows accessing the system from any location using a web browser. The mechanism of views, tracking state of issues, alerts and email notifications was completely redesigned. WebIssues has better localization support and extended types of attributes, e.g. multi-select drop down attributes. It's possible to move and delete issues and to edit and delete existing comments and attachments. Also a completely rewritten WebIssues Manual is available.

It's hard to list all functional and usability improvements included in this release. You can read more about the available features, log in to the online demo to test the Web Client, and download the latest version. Like always, suggestions, questions and bug reports are welcome.


The download link point to the demo url.
Fix it ;)

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