WebIssues 1.1-beta2 released

Submitted by mimec on 2013-07-18

Today the second development version of WebIssues 1.1 was released. It introduces two entirely new features which allow better integration between WebIssues and email:

  • Email inbox receives emails from selected email account and automatically creates issues based on these emails, and creates comments and attachments for existing issues.
  • Subscriptions make it possible to watch individual, selected issues for change. An email notification is sent to subscribers when someone modifies the issue in any way, for example by editing its attributes, modifying its description, adding a comment or attachment.

The email inbox and subscriptions can be used together, which makes it possible to set up two way email communication with the WebIssues system. It's even possible for external users, who don't have a WebIssues account, to communicate with the WebIssues system in this way.

You can download the newest server and client packages for testing from the Development version page.


We had started an ukrainian translation of your project but then dropped and haven't finished it.
Do you want to post your translations at https://www.transifex.com/connect/projects/?sort=undefined&search=issues ?
I was going to post there that project but I don't know if I should ask owner of project for permission to post there project for translation.

Maybe someone will finish our ukrainian translation of your project if corresponding project existed on transifex.


Michał in this version could include a search within the historical issues, ie if a field have been with full attributes, incomplete and closed, suppose that in a time x this attribute is changed n times, and end of the case closed ends. The idea is basically that wont locate issues that at any time the criteria were incomplete.
