Translation issue

Submitted by flaviove on 2013-05-20

Hi All,
I just installed WebIssues 1.0.5 server and client.
Everything was ok unless the client portuguese translation that doesn´t show up after config to use it.
I went to /translations's directory on client installation and could see webissue_pt_BR.qm file but not qt_pt_BR.qm.
Is this the motive I am not be able to get on client brazilian portuguese?
What should I do in order to get it up and running?
Any help will be great.
Thanx in advance,
Flávio Veras

What OS are you using? Perhaps the translations directory is installed in the wrong place. There is no qt_pt_BR.qm, but there should be qt_pt.qm which should work.


Hi Michał

Yes my friend. You are right.
Thank you so much for your quikly replay.
(Server CentOs 6.4, Client Windows 7,8)

Flávio Veras