Good day! May I know if can I use our mail server (Exchange Server 2016) to send emails for notification? My settings are:
Custom SMTP server
SMTP Server:
Server name:
Port number: 25
Encryption Mode: SSL
Got this error: SMTP connect() failed.
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Are you sure that the port number is correct? Usually port 25 is used for unencrypted SMTP connections.
Hi Michał,
To be honest, I only followed the webissues doc and I am confused on what is the right settings. Could you please recommend the right settings for our scenario? If I use port 25 and Encryption Mode SSL, I get this error "SMTP connect() failed". If I use port 587 and Encryption Mode TLS, I get this error "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host" and in the Event log. "PHP Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\webissues-server-1.1.5\system\mail\class.smtp.php on line 324"
Sorry I am really confused and thank you for responding to my query.
The error message indicates that there is a problem with the SMTP server's certificate. Unfortunately I don't know the configuration of your server and the supported encryption modes and ports.
Thanks. But just to be sure I can use exchange server 2016 to send email notification? I just have to fix the server's certificate?
I've never tested it with Exchange, but it should work.
Thanks Michał. I'll try to make it work then. Good day!
Hi! Michał,
Thanks for the heads up. I was able to make it work. With our scenario, I forgot to add our certificate to one of our receive connector. After adding now I can connect. Thanks a lot. Problem Solved!
That's great, I'm glad it works.